Updating Gitpod Docker Image

Updating Gitpod Docker image

Pull Image from Docker Hub

docker pull <image-name>

See available Docker Images

docker images

See running containers

docker ps

Run Image Interactively

docker run -it <image-name>

Add Your Change To The The Image

This could be a bundle update, or installing a CLI tool.

Once you make the change DON'T EXIT THE IMAGE YET.

The changes only save if you commit them.

Grab the Container ID and then exit.

Commit The Change

Open a new Terminal and find the container id for the image you made the change in.


docker commit CONTAINER_ID <image-name>


docker commit 71HN7K1GCDd0183 jelaniwoods/appdev-ruby2_6_5

Push to Docker Hub

docker push <image-name>


docker push jelaniwoods/appdev-ruby2_6_5

Creating a Docker Image for Gitpod

Start From Template Docker


Run Image Interactively

docker run -it <image-name>

Tag and Commit


docker tag username/app-name username/app-name:v1


docker commit -m "message" CONTAINER_ID


In the directory conatining the Dockefile

docker build -t <image-name> .

If the Dockerfile is named something else:

docker build -t <image-name> . -f <path-to-file-name>

Last updated