Docker Essentials

Docker is a collection of tools that makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications.

Under the hood, one of the reasons Gitpod is able to create the virtual computers so quickly is because they use Docker to help create the workspaces we use.

Install Docker

Sign Up for Docker Hub Account

Basic Parts of Docker

For the basic usage we need to know about two or three parts of Docker, the Dockerfile, Docker Images, and Docker Containers.


A Dockerfile is essentially a file with a set of instructions to install an Operating System and any command line tools or packages that you want on a "virtual computer".

You can think of a Dockerfile as a recipe for a computer. It’s the list of ingredients in a specific order.

There are Docker specific commands that you need to use when crafting a Dockerfile. It’s not like learning a new language, however. Most of the time, the majority of a Dockerfile just has a bunch install commands like

apt-get install
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Docker Image

A Dockerfile can be used to create an "Image", which is essentially a compiled version of the Dockerfile.

If the Dockerfile is a recipe, then building a Docker Image is like going to the store, buying all the ingredients, and pre-heating the oven.

From a Docker image, you can very quickly create however many "containers" you want.

Docker Container

A Docker Image, can be used to create a "Container", which is the actual "virtual computer" that you can interact with run/develop code on.

They behave identically to a Gitpod workspace. You can stop and start them, run programs, or even download more files to them.

I won't go into how you run containers outside of Gitpod for now. But conceptually I think it’s helpful to know how a Gitpod workspace relates to a Docker Image.

How to use a custom Docker Image with Gitpod

You can set up various Gitpod settings using a .gitpod.yml file in the root of your repository. This includes choosing a custom Docker image to use.

# .gitpod.yml

For example, since Gitpod doesn’t come with R pre-installed, we used a Docker image that had R installed.

# .gitpod.yml
image: rocker/r-base

Gitpod will take care of fetching the Image and caching it and creating the container.

How to Write a Dockerfile

There are two main steps for writing a basic Dockerfile.

Step 1: Specify a Starting Image

This is required as the first instruction in a Dockerfile. Used to specify the starting point. You need to specify a pre-existing Docker image. Docker has created a variety of Images with different Operating Systems including versions that you can choose from. If Docker hasn’t made one, usually someone else has and they’ve made it available to use for free.

You specify the starting image by using the FROM command with the name of the Image1.

For example if we wanted to start from the R Docker image,

# Dockerfile
FROM rocker/r-base

Step 2: Everything Else

Generally "everything else" will be mostly just installing packages or dependencies, but sometimes this might also mean copying a data file2 that you want to have in your workspace when you’re running your script.

Use the RUN command to perform any Bash command you would normally use in a Terminal.

For example, if we want to install git in the image we create we can this.

# Dockerfile
FROM rocker/r-base

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y git

That’s all we need for the Dockerfile. Next is to create the Image.

How to Create a Docker Image

Assuming you have the Docker CLI installed, move to the directory of the Dockerfile , pick an image name, and run

docker build -t my-image-name .

The -t flag "tags" the built Image with a name.

If anything goes wrong during the build process, you’ll get an error message and can try again.

Gitpod can also build images for you. In the gitpod.yml file you can specify a Dockerfile instead of an Image.

# .gitpod.yml
  file: Dockerfile

The downside of this is that you have to wait for Gitpod to build the image, which can sometimes take a long time.

Storing a Docker Image in the Cloud

Just like GitHub, there’s Docker Hub where Docker images are stored.

To push an Image to our Docker Hub, we can run

docker push jelaniwoods/my-cool-image

and that’s about it!

Now I can update my .gitpod.yml to use my image

# .gitpod.yml
image: jelaniwoods/my-cool-image

and when I create a new Gitpod workspace, it will download and use my image from Docker Hub.

1 Name of the image

Images should be hosted in the cloud on Docker Hub whenever possible. When naming Images, follow the format: your-username/chose-a-name.

2 Copying a data file

I mostly end up copying files that have my project's dependencies, like requirements.txt in Python, Gemfile in Ruby, package.json for JavaScript. So to pre-install all the packages in my requirements.txt on a Docker image with

# Dockerfile
# ...

# Copy requirements.txt from my repository and place it in the /dependencies folder in my Docker image
COPY requirements.txt /dependencies/requirements.txt

RUN pip3 install -r /dependencies/requirements.txt

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