Open Office Hours

OOH should be 1 full hour, each week for the quarter.

  • Discuss between Faculty Coaches which day/hour will be best for the team and the students to meet weekly for open office hours (where students can drop in and out, with or without questions). Afternoon/evenings usually best for students The day before the first day of classes for the week is always suggested.

  • Ask Raghu to create a zoom link for the OOH, with a request that all TAs be co-hosts on the zoom.

  • Add this to Zoom link and to email below

  • On the Home tab of Canvas, update the section under 'Zoom links'

    • For example: Open office hours Zoom: (Mondays, 5:30pm-6:30pm CST)

    • Add the Zoom link created above.

  • Send calendar invite to all Faculty coaches involved.

    • Make sure to add the Zoom link to the invite

  • Weekly at 10am on the day of office hours, set up a calendar invite reminder to send out announcement to students: ex EMAIL:

        Hello all,
        < faculty coach name > and I will be hosting weekly open office hours from 5 to 6pm Central Time today. 
        The link to the room is on the Canvas homepage, you can also click here< add in link >.
        You're welcome to come with or without questions and work on current or past homeworks. If run into any issues, one of us will be right there to help you.
        We hope to see you there!
        — < Your name here >
  • To send the announcement, there is an 'Announcements' tab on Canvas. Click '+ Announcement'. Fill out topic and body. Add the Zoom link and to invite. Post to: 'All Sections', then click 'Publish'.

Last updated