AD2 HW Checklist

AD2 hw checklist

Update files

  • update .gitpod.yml with the AD1 extensions.

  • ensure Ruby version is up to date. (3.0.3)

  • ensure better errors is whitelisted in config/environments/development.rb and contains

      config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ''
      BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ''

    remove the old whitelist

      BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ''
  • create .vscode/manage_extensions if it doesn't exist and contains the following:

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    unwanted_extensions = [
    wanted_extensions = [
    unwanted_extensions.each do |extension|
    	results = `code --uninstall-extension #{extension}`
    	if results.include?("successfully uninstalled")
    		status = "."
    	elsif results.include?("is not installed")
    		status = "."
    		status = "X (#{extension.split(".")[0]})"
    	print "#{status}"
    wanted_extensions.each do |extension|
    	results = `code --install-extension .vscode/#{extension}`
    	if results.include?("success")
    		status = "."
    		status = "X (#{extension.split(".")[0]})"
    	print "#{status}"
    puts ""
  • Ensure .vscode/manage_extensions is executable (run chmod 777 .vscode/manage_extensions).

  • Ensure .vscode/vscode-rufo-0.0.6.vsix exists. If it doesn't download it from here.

  • Ensure Dockerfile is present in the project and up to date w/ correct Ruby version.

  • Ensure webpacker is up to date by running rails webpacker:install

  • Ensure .gitignore file includes:

  • Check that bin/server compiles webpacker correctly in Gitpod— if it does not work, make the following changes:

    export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && rails server -b

    or rebuild the Docker image with Node version 14.

  • ensure bin/setup file includes:

    if !Dir.exist?("vendor/bundle/ruby") && Dir.exist?("/base-rails/gems/ruby")
      FileUtils.cp_r("/base-rails/gems/ruby", "vendor/bundle")
      system! "bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'"
      system! 'bundle exec skylight disable_dev_warning'
    if !Dir.exist?("node_modules") && Dir.exist?("/base-rails/node_modules")
      FileUtils.cp_r("/base-rails/node_modules", "node_modules")
  • ensure .vscode folder and .vscode/settings.json exist and are up to date.


  • ensure web_git gem is using the master branch and not spring2020.

  • ensure htmlbeautifier, rufo, solargraph gems have been added to the :development group.


  • bundle update

  • yarn install

  • rails db:migrate

  • CRUD a resource to ensure JS works as expected -> rails g scaffold tasks name

  • ensure you can do the following successfully:

    • rails s

    • rails grade

    • visit /git

Update Docker image

  • Build image

  • Push to Dockerhub

  • Update .gitpod.yml with Docker image name

  • Push to GitHub branch

  • Open workspace from branch, ensure Ruby version is correct and gems install instantly

See Adding Dependencies to a Project for more details on building and testing a Docker image.

Last updated