Pair Teaching
All of the instructors in the room are equally involved in teaching, whether in the front of the room or wandering around among the students.
If you are one of the navigators, actively look for opportunities to chime in. To do so effectively, you have to be paying even closer attention to the driver's narrative than students. This precludes being on your laptop at all, unless you are fixing something time-sensitive on behalf of the driver.
Most of the driver's bandwidth is occupied by steering class, so it's easy for them to mis-hear questions. It's the navigators' job to catch misinterpreted questions and add edits/nuance to the answer.
It helps students to hear more than one voice (to break up monotony if nothing else.)
It helps if the students can hear real-world anecdotes about a given topic to give it context.
It gives the driver a moment to collect their thoughts.
The navigators know how well the students are keeping up since they are walking around, so it's their job to slow things down with a question or story when needed.
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