Use a describe block with a target URL and a single descriptive test nested inside
context "with input 5"do it "works",points:2,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/5"expect(page).tohave_content(25)endend
describe "/flexible/square/5"do it "works with input 5",points:2,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/5"expect(page).tohave_content(25)endend
feature "Flexible square"do describe "/flexible/square/42"do it "works with input 5",points:2,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/5"expect(page).tohave_content(25)endend describe "/flexible/square/42"do it "works with input 5",points:4,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/42"expect(page).tohave_content(1764)endendend
describe "/flexible/square/5"do it "works with input 5",points:2,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/5"expect(page).tohave_content(25)end it "works with input 42",points:4,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/42"expect(page).tohave_content(1764)endend
describe "/flexible/square/5"do it "works with input 5",points:2,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/5"expect(page).tohave_content(25)endenddescribe "/flexible/square/5"do it "works with input 42",points:4,hint:h("params_are_strings")do visit "/flexible/square/42"expect(page).tohave_content(1764)endend
This also allows for tailoring copy more instructively to each individual spec, rather than shoehorning it to fit a DRYer structure.
Test features progressively to break a problem into bite-size steps
Add tests for the presence of hardcoded copy or inputs/labels before testing for behavior. This approach lets students better narrow down what they're missing in their code.
describe "/photos/new"do it "creates a photo when submitted",points:3,hint:h("button_type")do initial_number_of_photos = Photo.count visit "/photos/new" click_on "Create Photo" final_number_of_photos = Photo.countexpect(final_number_of_photos).toeq(initial_number_of_photos +1)endend
describe "/photos/new"do it "has a form",points:1do visit "/photos/new"expect(page).tohave_css("form",count:1)endenddescribe "/photos/new"do it "has a label for 'Caption'",points:1,hint:h("copy_must_match label_for_input")do visit "/photos/new"expect(page).tohave_css("label",text:"Caption")endenddescribe "/photos/new"do it "has a label for 'Image URL'",points:1,hint:h("copy_must_match label_for_input")do visit "/photos/new"expect(page).tohave_css("label",text:"Image URL")endenddescribe "/photos/new"do it "has two inputs",points:1,hint:h("label_for_input")do visit "/photos/new"expect(page).tohave_css("input",count:2)endenddescribe "/photos/new"do it "has a button to 'Create Photo'",points:1,hint:h("copy_must_match")do visit "/photos/new"expect(page).tohave_css("button",text:"Create Photo")endenddescribe "/photos/new"do it "creates a photo when submitted",points:3,hint:h("button_type")do initial_number_of_photos = Photo.count visit "/photos/new" click_on "Create Photo" final_number_of_photos = Photo.countexpect(final_number_of_photos).toeq(initial_number_of_photos +1)endend
One expectation per test
Try to stick to one expectation per test, except when absolutely necessary (e.g. to ensure proper setup).
You can add hints to each spec to give students just-in-time help even when we aren't standing next time them. This is next-level rubber-ducky stuff.
For example,
it "captures the user's input in the query string with names",points:4,hint:h("names_for_inputs")do visit "/square_root/new"expect(page).tohave_css("input[name]",count:1)end
What's going on above:
You can provide additional help to the student by optionally including a hint with the it or scenario method. The value should be a string or array of strings.
Keep hints in I18n so that they don't clutter up the readability of tests, and so that you can easily add the same hint to multiple relevant tests:
# config/locales/en.ymlen:hints:names_for_inputs:| Give each `<input>` in your form a unique `name=""` attribute. `name=""` is the crucial, functional attribute of an `<input>` that determines what the user's input gets labeled as in the query string, and therefore what key it gets stored under in the `params` hash, and therefore how you will access it in your next RCAV. `placeholder=""`, etc, are just helpful attributes to use to be user-friendly. `name=""` is the functional one.
Store hints under keys under en.hints.
You can use GitHub-flavored Markdown.
To further reduce clutter, there is a helper method h() in spec_helper.rb which makes it easy to add multiple hints from I18n:
So you can just provide a single string with the I18n keys of multiple hints separated by spaces:
it "works with 42.42",points:4,hint:h("label_for_input params_are_strings")do visit "/square/new" fill_in "Enter a number",with:42.42 click_button "Calculate square"expect(page).tohave_content(1799.4564)end
Use factories
I go back and forth over factories vs just ActiveRecord objects, since students know exactly what ActiveRecord objects are.
More important than brevity, however, is that you can then define or re-define only the attributes that are important to the test at hand, thereby drawing attention to them.
I think create(:photo) is intuitive enough for students to guess what it means; it's no more magical to them than the rest of the test code (Capybara methods, etc) that they aren't being explicitly taught.
Capybara selectors
tried has_content: too much noise
tried has_css with id: unfamiliar (we could introduce it)
tried attribute selector, e.g. [data-grade="occurrences"]; too weird looking
settled on expect(page).to have_css(".occurrences", text: 2) for now since it is very familiar to them, but it feels like class is something that is used for too many other things.
Perhaps teaching id, label, for, and styling with # earlier so that we can select with it might be worthwhile.
Typically, stubbed requests are added in one of the test helper files (either spec/spec_helper.rb or spec/rails_helper.rb ) within an Rspec.configure block.
Stubbed request should be as flexible and forgiving as possible. Use regexp to:
Allow for http and https
Allow for mixed case
Allow for dynamic url segments
Allow for arbitrary additional query string parameters not specified by us (for example, access tokens)
Stubbed requests: Perhaps we create a method for each stubbed request and then call that method at the beginning of the test. Would that be clearer to the student?
2022 Notes
Prefer Capybara finder methods for checking for HTML elements, content, and attributes since they provide the most clarity and flexibility when writing tests.
The most useful methods are all and find.
Note: find will throw an error if it doesn't find anything. The error message is readable enough for students, but you can still customize it in the expect assertion if you want.
Testing for element
describe "/add"do it "has a `<form>` element",points:1do visit "/add" form = find("form")expect(form).to_not be_nil,"Expected to find one form element on the page but didn't find one."endend
Other ways to write this test:
using rspec-html-matchers
describe "/add"do it "has a `<form>` element",points:1do visit "/add"expect(page).tohave_tag("form",count:1),"Expected to find one form element on the page but found 0 or more than 1."endend
regular capybara
describe "/add"do it "has a `<form>` element",points:1do visit "/add"expect(page).tohave_css("form",count:1),"Expected to find one form element on the page but found 0 or more than 1."endend
Testing for an element with specific content
describe "/add"do it "has an `<h1>` with the text 'Addition'",points:1do visit "/add" heading = find("h1",:text=>/Addition/i)expect(heading).to_not be_nil,"Expected to find an <h1> with the text 'Addition', but didn't find one."endend
describe "/multiply"do it "has a label with the text 'by this:'",points:1,hint:h("copy_must_match label_for_input")do visit "/multiply"expect(page).tohave_css("label",text:/by this/i),"Expected to find a 'label' element with specified text, but didn't find one."endend
Testing HTML attributes
You can retrieve values from attributes if you select an element with find or all.
describe "The landing page"do it "has a label 'Enter your address below.' with a for attribute that is not empty.",:points=>1do visit "/" address_label = find("label",:text=>/Enter your address below/i) for_attribute = address_label[:for]expect(for_attribute).to_not be_empty,"Expected label's for attribute to be set to a non empty value, was '#{for_attribute}' instead."endend
Use the draft_matchers gem for testing CSS color (by color name), page layout, or element ancestry.
describe "/rock",js:truedo it "has all elements in the right order",:points=>1do visit "/rock" play_rock_link = find("a",:text=>/Play Rock/i) play_paper_link = find("a",:text=>/Play Paper/i) play_scissors_link = find("a",:text=>/Play Scissors/i)expect(play_paper_link).tobe_below(play_rock_link)expect(play_scissors_link).tobe_below(play_paper_link) rock_heading = find("h2",:text=>/We played rock/i)expect(rock_heading).tobe_below(play_scissors_link) paper_heading = find("h2",:text=>/They played paper/i)expect(paper_heading).tobe_below(rock_heading) outcome_heading = find("h2",:text=>/We lost/i)expect(outcome_heading).tobe_below(paper_heading) rules_link = find("a",text:/Rules/i)expect(rules_link).tobe_below(outcome_heading)endend
Note the js: true is required for testing layout.
Testing Copy (in a webpage)
When testing copy and not data that's been created:
Ignore case
Ignore punctuation
Using Regex for this is okay 👌
note that extraneous spaces between words should also be okay, since the rendered HTML page will collapse it all down to one space in the end.
Ruby Specs
When writing tests that check for specific output in the Terminal, define this helper in spec_helper.rb, rails_helper.rb, or the spec file.
defwith_captured_stdout original_stdout = $stdout # capture previous value of $stdout $stdout assign a string buffer to $stdoutyield# perform the body of the user code $stdout.string# return the contents of the string bufferensure $stdout = original_stdout # restore $stdout to its previous valueend
Use the method along with the path of the script file that is being tested like this:
Make sure the Regex will match the expected output regardless of which printing method a student uses.
You can customize the error message too.
expect(output.match?(/Hello, Hannah!/)).tobe(true),"Expected output to be:\nHello, Hannah!\nbut was:\n#{actual_output}"
note: whitespace is respected in the build report in Grades, so add to space out the expected vs actual output on their own lines.
Stubbing method calls
If the script is testing a method that that involves randomness, user input, or time you stub the method call and choose something specific for the test case.
Make sure to add to end of the argument to the and_return method since :gets always returns it. If you don't, sometimes weird errors can happen if students use methods we don't expect (like chop instead of chomp).
One full spec might look like this:
it "should output 'Hello, name!'",points:1doallow_any_instance_of(Object).toreceive(:gets).and_return("hannah\n") output = with_captured_stdout { require_relative('../../string_gets')} output = "empty"if output.empty?expect(output.match?(/Hello, Hannah!/)).tobe(true),"Expected output to be:\nHello, Hannah!\nbut was:\n#{output}"end
Preventing hardcoded solutions from passing
It would be fairly difficult to prevent all forms of hardcoding for a solution, but preventing the basic "print expected result" is possible by examining the contents of the script file (make sure you ignore commented lines).
script_file = "script.rb"file_contents =|line, line_num|if!line.include?("#") || line.include?("p") || line.include?("puts")expect(line).to_notmatch(/5.3/),"Expected 'script.rb' to NOT literally print '5.3', but did anyway. On line #{line_num}."endend
Writing multiple tests for the same script
When writing multiple tests for the same script you need to un-require the script in each test first, so that it can be successfully required and the output captured no matter what order the specs are run in. You can un-require a script by using the global Ruby variable $".
You can use method_defined? to check that an instance method or attr_accessor has been defined.
describe "class_person.rb"do it "has an attribute `birthdate`",points:1doexpect(Person.method_defined?(:birthdate)).toeq(true),"Expected 'Person' class to have an attr_accessor called 'birthdate', but didn't"endend
Rails Specs
Testing that a route is visit-able
describe "/rock"do it "renders an HTML page",:points=>1do visit "/rock"expect(page.status_code).tobe(200)endend
if a route should redirect...
describe "/users/[USERNAME]"do it "redirects to sign in page when user is signed out",points:0do user = user.password="password" user.username="user""" visit "/users/#{user.username}" current_url = page.current_pathexpect(current_url).toeq("/user_sign_in")endend
Forms, params
Write very incremental tests. You should write a test for each of the following:
form element
describe "/square/new"do it "has one form element",points:1do visit "/square/new"expect(page).tohave_tag("form",count:1),"Expected to find one form element on the page but found 0 or more than 1."endend
form action
describe "/square/new"do it "has form element with an action attribute",points:1do visit "/square/new" form = find("form") form_action = form[:action]expect(form_action).to_not be_nil,"Expected form's action attribute to be set to a non empty value, was '#{form_action}' instead."endend
label with text
describe "/square/new"do it "has a label with the text 'Enter a number'",points:1,hint:h("copy_must_match label_for_input")do visit "/square/new" label = find("label",:text=>/Enter a number/i)expect(label).to_not be_nil,"Expected to find a <label> with the text 'Enter a number', but didn't find one."endend
count for specific input type (text input, textarea, file input)
describe "/square_root/new"do it "has one input element",points:1do visit "/square_root/new"expect(page).tohave_tag("input",count:1)endend
you can also use find here with the type attribute.
button with text
describe "/square_root/new"do it "has a button element with text 'Calculate square root'",points:1,hint:h("copy_must_match")do visit "/square_root/new"expect(page).tohave_tag("button",text:/Calculate square root/i)endend
form submits to a real page
describe "/square_root/new"do it "leads to another functional RCAV when submitted",points:6,hint:h("button_type")do visit "/square_root/new"find("button",:text=>/Calculate square root/i ).clickexpect(page).to_nothave_current_path("/square_root/new",ignore_query:true),"Expected form to submit to a different Route, but didn't."endend
specific input has name attribute
describe "/square/new"do it "captures the user's input in the query string",points:1,hint:h("names_for_inputs")do visit "/square/new"expect(page).tohave_css("input[name]",count:1),"Expected an input element to have a 'name' attribute but didn't."endend
label connected to input
describe "/square/new"do it "has a label that is connected to an input",points:0,hint:h("label_for_input")do visit "/square/new" number_label = find("label",:text=>/Enter a number/i) for_attribute = number_label[:for]if for_attribute.empty?expect(for_attribute).to_not be_empty,"Expected label’s for attribute to be set to a non empty value, was '#{for_attribute}' instead."else all_inputs = all("input") all_input_ids = { |input| input[:id] }.compactexpect(all_input_ids.count(for_attribute)).toeq(1),"Expected label’s for attribute(#{for_attribute}) to match only 1 of the ids of an <input> tag (#{all_input_ids}), but found 0 or more than 1."endendend
form submits and produces correct content
describe "/square/new"do it "calculates the square correctly with an input of 5",points:3,hint:h("label_for_input params_are_strings")do visit "/square/new" number_label = find("label",:text=>/Enter a number/i) for_attribute = number_label[:for]begin number_input = find("##{for_attribute}")rescueCapybara::ElementNotFoundexpect(false). to be(true),"Expected to find an <input> with an id attribute that matched the for attribute of a <label> but didn't find one."end number_input.set(5)find("button",:text=>/Calculate square/i ).clickexpect(page).tohave_content(/25/)endend
Using find and set for input elements allow for the most flexibility. You can make label text case insensitive and determine what the for and id attributes are set to (if at all) and display them in the error message.
Database / ActiveRecord
Testing that a class/Model has been defined
describe "Movie"do it "has a class defined in app/models/",points:1do expect{ Movie }.to_notraise_error(NameError),"Expected a Movie class to be defined in the app/models/ folder, but didn't find one."endend
Testing that a database table has been created
describe "User"do it "has an underlying table",points:0do user_migrations_exists = falseifActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?"users" user_migrations_exists = trueendexpect(user_migrations_exists).tobe(true),"Expected there to be a SQL table called 'users', but didn't find one."endend
Testing that an instance method has been defined
describe "Movie"do it "has an instance method defined called 'director'",points:2doexpect(Movie.method_defined?(:director)).toeq(true),"Expected Movie class to define an instance method called, 'director', but didn't find one."endend
Testing columns names and data types
it "has an column called 'password_digest' of type 'string'",points:0do new_user = User.newexpect(new_user.attributes).toinclude("password_digest"),"Expected to have a column called 'password_digest', but didn't find one."expect(User.column_for_attribute('password_digest').type).tobe(:string),"Expected column to be of type 'string' but wasn't."end
# 1-N belongs_to associationRSpec.describePhoto,type::modeldo describe "has a belongs_to association defined called 'poster' with Class name 'User' and foreign key 'owner_id'",points:1do it { should belong_to(:poster).class_name("User").with_foreign_key("owner_id") }endend# 1-N has_many associationRSpec.describePhoto,type::modeldo describe "has a has_many association defined called 'comments' with Class name 'Comment' and foreign key 'photo_id'",points:1do it { should have_many(:comments).class_name("Comment").with_foreign_key("photo_id") }endend# N-N has_many associationRSpec.describePhoto,type::modeldo describe "has a has_many (many-to_many) association defined called 'fans' through 'likes' and source 'fan'",points:2do it { should have_many(:fans).through(:likes).source(:fan) }endend
Note: Watch out for the required: true option for 1-N.
Make sure you use Time.current or Date.current instead of for weird time zone inconsistencies.
describe "The Done section"do it "displays the formatted updated at time for each todo items",points:1do# ... travel_to 12.hours.agodo updated_at = Time.currentwithin(:css,"div.in_progress")dowithin(:css,"form")dofind("button",:text=>/Move to Done/i ).clickendendendvisit("/") formatted_updated_at_time = updated_at.strftime("%-l:%M %p %Z on %A, %d %b %Y")expect(page).tohave_tag("div.done")dowith_tag("ul")dowith_tag("li",text:/Completed at\s*#{formatted_updated_at_time}/i)endendendend